Pick A Subscription Level For Your Reader

Select a subscription and set up billing. Your credit card will be billed when your books are chosen and shipped.

Create A Reader Profile For The Child

After you've completed enrolling in the book club, you'll have the opportunity to tell us more about your reader’s interests and abilities in the account section. The more we know about your reader, the better job we can do for you!

We Hand Select A Book Of Enduring Value

We spend time thinking about your child and what books might work for him/her. No matter what subscription option you choose, your subscription will be based upon your Reader’s personal interests and abilities.

We Personalize & Gift Wrap The Book

Then we gift wrap and personalize the package with our gorgeous custom name stickers.

When Ready, We Ship The Book Directly To The Child

The book arrives, and the fun begins!



In addition to the pleasure of the book itself, each member becomes a part of our community of readers, with all the benefits that come with it.
  • Each selection arrives gift wrapped, with the member’s name emblazoned on the top.
  • A free subscription to our Book Club Gazette, our monthly newsletter filled with book reviews, book trivia, jokes, recipes, and most importantly, the members’ reviews of the books they are reading.
These are tangible benefits. Perhaps most importantly, we hear over and over how a membership in The Stuart Brent Children’s Book Club encourages children of all ages and reading levels, with completely diverse interests, to love books and reading. 
How does reading really benefit a child? There is something important beyond the ability to read a bus schedule or directions. Probably the most difficult task of parenthood is helping a child to find meaning in his or her life. A child begins to find meaning as he begins to understand himself. This can happen through reading. In reading, a child can live the experiences of others, people in far flung places and times. Those precious moments of living, feeling another person’s life is an important step in the development of self understanding, and self understanding is the beginning of understanding others. All children are essentially self centered. Helping them reach out from these narrow confines begins the process of becoming complete human beings. Reading can be the starting point to gain the spirit and joy of being fully alive and joined in the world. 
Click here for more on what reading and The Stuart Brent Children’s Book Club can do for you.